Years 7 – 12
Middle and Senior school
Approximate cost $1,300
Recommended quantity
- Formal Green Shirt (Year 12 white shirt) - 3
- Grey Trouser - 2
- Belt - 1
- Tie - 1
- Blazer - 1
- Boater - 1
- Polo Shirt - 2
- Sport Short - 2
- House Shirt - 1
- Bucket Hat - 1
(Except Year 7 – supplied at orientation camp)
- Grey Socks - 3
- Sport Socks - 2
- BBC Bag - Small Black Backpack or Satchel - 1
- Sport Bag - 1
- College Speedo/ Trunks - 1
- Rash Shirt - 1
- Winter Terms
- Grey Jumper - 1
- Tracksuit - 1
Boarders, please check with the Boarding House for any additional quantity requirements.